Warm soapy water is almost always the best defense against bacteria and cutting boards are no exception. Scrub the board good with warm soapy water (I use a green scrubby) and dry well after each use. Do not dry flat on a table, leave board proped up on edge in a dish drain or similar.
DO NOT soak your Wood Cutting Board as it will warp or split the board. DO NOT put in a dishwasher for the same reason.
DO NOT leave the board wet as that allows bacteria to grow.
Apply mineral oil or cutting board oil or a similar product.
One teaspoon bleach per quart of water or 1 part vinegar to 5 parts water is great for sanitizing your board. Just wipe a little on and let it set for a minute. Rinse and dry the board afterwards.
DO NOT leave wet with bleach for very long, as it can dissolve the glue and split the board. I use water resistant glue but it is not meant for long term submersion or chemicals
Food Grade or pharmaceutical grade mineral oil is what I use to finish and seal the board against moisture. You’ll want to seal the board regularly with mineral oil after cleaning (when its dry). Be careful of vegetable oils as some suggest, because vegetable oils can get rancid. Mineral oil can be found in grocery stores, pharmacies or hardware stores. You can always use an oil made just for treating cutting boards. There are several brands usually mixed with wax etc.
If your board is getting a little rough you can always refinish it. Some, use a scraper, I just re-sand them first with 100 then 150 and then 220 grit sand paper. If it’s very rough start with a heavier grit like 80 and work your way up. Apply a few coats of mineral oil with a cloth and wipe off the excess after several minutes.
Please feel free to contact me by the Contact Us link at Upstate-NY-CuttingBoards.com with any questions and of course we would love to have you back as a customer again!